
资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults. Banks enj

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资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults. Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors. In Europe, at least, that is all about to change with a new set of regulations, named PSD2.The rules will compel banks to share data easily with licensed third parties. Bankers in Europe complain that their profits and customer relationships are under threat. However, opening up banks, and the data they store, is good for consumers and competition, New providers will be better placed to offer all sorts of innovative services, such as a one-click option to put unspent monthly income into a pension plan.Nevertheless, some concerns about PSD2 are legitimate. In particular, it is reasonable to wonder about the privacy and security implications of sensitive financial date being shared with third parties. But banks themselves are hardly invulnerable to cyber attacks (网络攻击).And the solutions that the European regulators propose to deal with these worries look promising. Third parties that want to use bank data will need to convince national regulators that their data defenses are solid and are subject to annual regulatory inspections.The gap between writing rules and implementing them is always large. First, consent from customers to provide access to their bank data must be gained explicitly, and the purposes of the data use should be clearly explained. Second, regulators must be very tough both in ensuring that banks open up their infrastructure and in withdrawing the licenses of third parties that break the rules. Third, regulators must also be flexible enough to allow for changes as the market evolves. Since the new entrants will not be licensed to engage in riskier financial activities——such as lending money——it makes sense to regulate them with a lighter touch. But if some Fintech providers do end up becoming systemically important, higher standards of oversight might be necessary.Which of the following is true in order to successfully implement PSD2?
A:Customers are forced to share their bank data.
B:Banks are required to open up their entire operational system.
C:Regulators should be both tough and flexible.
D:Banks and third parties should be regulated with a light touch.




本题考查的是细节理解及同义转换。 【关键词】true;implement;PSD2 【主题句】第4自然段Second, regulators must be very tough both in ensuring that banks open up their infrastructure and in withdrawing the licenses of third parties that break the rules.Third, regulators must also be flexible enough to allow for changes as the market evolves.其次,监管机构必须非常强硬,一方面要确保银行开放基础设施,另一方面要收回违规第三方的执照。第三,监管机构还必须足够灵活,以适应市场的发展变化。 【解析】本题的问题是“为了成功实施PSD2,以下哪一项是正确的?”。A选项“客户被迫分享他们的银行数据。”;B选项“银行被要求开放整个操作系统。”;C选项“监管机构应该既强硬又灵活。”;D选项“银行和第三方应该受到轻微管制。”根据主题句可知,监管机构需要既强硬又灵活,故选C。


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() 某工作组有12名外国人。其中6人会说英语.5人会说法语.5人会说西班牙语;有3人既会说英语又会说法语,有2人既会说法语又会说西班牙语.有2人既会说西班牙语又会说英语:有1人这三种语言都会说。则只会说一 In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that c 根据以下资料,回答11~13题:2005年年底,全国城镇房屋建筑面积164.51亿平方米.其中住宅建筑面积107.69亿平方米.占房屋建筑面积的比重为65.46%。东部地区房屋建筑面积83.8亿平方米 根据以下资料,回答61-65题。2008年全国共登记科技成果35971项,比上年增长5.27%。其中,地方登记27653项,增长5.24%:国务院有关部门登记8318项,增长5.37%。成果完成单位按 图形推理。请按每道题的答题要求作答。从所给的四个选项中。选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性()。 -1.5,2,1,9,-1,() 根据以下资料.回答61~65题。1952年.我国国内生产总值(GDP)仅为300亿美元。1960年,达到614亿美元。之后,每年的GDP总量呈稳步小幅上升态势。1972年突破1000亿美元,之后用了1 根据以下资料,回答10~13题:[材料要点]本题材料是有三条折线的复式折线图。各折线统计图中的最高(低)两个极端的量,尼日利亚在1990年、2000年、2004年都是最高的,日本在1990年、2000 偶然防卫是指在客观上被害人正在或即将对被告人或他人的人身进行不法侵害。但被告人主观上没有认识到这一点.出于非法侵害的目的而对被害人使用了武力。客观上起到了人身防卫的效果。根据上述定义,下列行为不属于偶

