
资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of

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资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD. Look at our ‘Star CD’ plan below.High Interest: Higher on Large amountOur rates on certificate of deposits are among the best in the industry. The rate may vary on day-to day basis. For CD’s of above $250,000.00, the interest is simple i.e not compounded; therefore, annual percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. The interest is payable on the day of maturity of deposit. Interest paid during the year is reported to Internal Revenue Services. For today’s rates please refer to Current Rates of Interest on STAR CDs.Maturity Period: Flexible to your needsYou may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. There is no grace period for automatic renewal of deposits on maturity. For deposits issued for 1 year or more, we send maturity notices to the depositors 2 to 4 weeks before the due date.Minimum Amount: Easy to StartThe minimum amount accepted is USD 2000Other Features:1.FDIC Insurance Up to $100,0002.Facility to Open Joint & Corporate AccountsAdditional Deposits:Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits.Early Withdrawal:Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at bank’s discretion. In that event, interest will be paid at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, as prevailing on the date of deposit, less one percent. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. There is no other penalty or charge on early withdrawal.Bank of India CDs are safe because ( )
A:CD is a safe instrument.
B:Bank of India is safe.
C:CD is insured
D:All of the above




本题考查细节理解。 【关键词】Bank of India CDs; safe; because 【主题句】 第一段Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. 银行大额存单(CD)是大多数投资者普遍选择投资的工具。印度银行的大额存单是安全的,联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)投保,并提供体面的回报。没有经纪人,没有收费或隐藏费用。 【解析】题目意为“印度银行大额存单是安全的,因为______。” 选项A意为“大额存单是一个安全的工具”;选项B意为“印度银行是安全的”;选项C意为“大额存单被投保”;选项D意为“以上皆是”。根据主题句,选项A、B、C均提到,因此选项D正确。


综合知识     instrument     investment     investors     uniformly     figuring    


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