
资料:Up to 80 per cent of the world’s middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks

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资料:Up to 80 per cent of the world’s middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction, according to a United Nations report published on Thursday.“Never in history have the living conditions and prospects of so many people changed so dramatically and so fast.” concludes the UN’s latest Development Report. “The world is witnessing an epochal ‘global rebalancing’.”Underpinning the improvements in the human development index(HDI) was rapid growth in countries such as China, India and Brazil, with China and India having doubled per capita economic output in less than 20 years. But the study stressed that growth and improvements in HDI spread far beyond the four Bric countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China, and included at least 40 countries that had accompanied greater economic dynamism with effective poverty-reduction policies.Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Angola were among 14 countries that have recorded gains in HDI of more than 2 per cent a year since 2000. Partly as a result, the report found that worldwide extreme income poverty has plunged from 43 per cent in 1990 to just 22 per cent in 2008, including more than 500m being lifted out of poverty in China alone. The report stated that such gains had already helped the world achieve the main poverty eradication goal of the so-called Millennium Development Goals, which called for the share of people living on less than $1.25 a day to be cut by half from 1990 to 2015.Underpinning this poverty reduction was developing countries’ increasing share of global trade, which grew from 25 per cent to 47 per cent between 1980 and 2010. “The south as a whole is driving global economic growth and societal change for the first time in centuries,” says the report.The report found that trade among developing countries was the biggest factor in that expansion, increasing from less than 10 per cent of total global trade to more than 30 per cent. “Trade between countries in the south will overtake that between developed nations,” the report said.“More than 500m being lifted out of poverty in China alone” illustrates ______.
A:the economic development of China is important
B:the role of some developing countries is significant for poverty reduction
C:14 countries are developing faster than China
D:it is crucial to make a clear goal first




本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】More than 500m being lifted out of poverty in China alone 【主题句】第4自然段Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Angola were among 14 countries that have recorded gains in HDI of more than 2 per cent a year since 2000. Partly as a result, the report found that worldwide extreme income poverty has plunged from 43 per cent in 1990 to just 22 per cent in 2008, including more than 500m being lifted out of poverty in China alone. 自2000年以来,有14个国家的人类发展指数出现了每年逾2%的增长,其中包括阿富汗、塞拉利昂、埃塞俄比亚、卢旺达和安哥拉。报告发现,这在一定程度上导致极端收入贫困比例从1990年的43%降至2008年的仅有22%,其中仅中国一个国家就有逾5亿人脱贫。 【解析】本题的问题是“‘其中仅中国一个国家就有逾5亿人脱贫’阐明了______”。A选项“中国的经济发展十分重要”,B选项“在扶贫工作中,一些发展中国家角色举足轻重”,C选项“14个国家比中国发展更迅速”,D选项“首先树立清晰目标至关重要”。根据主题句和第3自然段可知,发展中国家经济发展对消除世界贫困人口意义十分重大,因此,选项B正确。选项A过于片面,选项C文中没有将14个国家和中国经济发展进行比较,选项D属于主观臆断。


综合知识     developing     countries     classes     知识     middle    


根据以下资料,回答10~13题:[材料要点]本题材料是有三条折线的复式折线图。各折线统计图中的最高(低)两个极端的量,尼日利亚在1990年、2000年、2004年都是最高的,日本在1990年、2000 下题中缺少一个图.请从下边选项中选择一个插入上边图形中以使上边的图形逻辑角度上能成双配对。() 根据以下资料,回答10~13题:[材料要点]本题材料是有三条折线的复式折线图。各折线统计图中的最高(低)两个极端的量,尼日利亚在1990年、2000年、2004年都是最高的,日本在1990年、2000 在图中,大圆的半径是8,求阴影部分的面积是多少?()[银行真题] Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.One day.Mike recei 从一块正方形木板上锯下宽5cm的一个木条后。剩下的长方形面积是750cmz.锯下的木条面积是多少平方厘米?() [银行真题]注:第6、7、9、10、11、12列中温度、降水和日照指标之后的数字表示特定的月份。[材料要点]本题材料是一个具有一级标目的表格标题:世界部分城市气候状况单位:米、度、mm、小时横标目:国 数字推理。给你一个数列,但其中缺少一项,要求你仔细观察数列的排列规律.然后从四个供选择的选项中选择你认为最合理的一项,来填补空缺项,使之符合原数列的排列规律。2,24,108,320,() 718,568,448,352,() 图形推理。请按每道题的答题要求作答。从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性。()

