
资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices , more users are implementing s

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资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices , more users are implementing security measures for their devices, according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and commissioned by the CTIA.The survey was a part of the company’s ongoing efforts to boost user education on the pitfalls of mobile security and assess whether the CTIA’s initiatives are working.It turns out that mobile users in the US have begun implementing many of the initiatives set forth and have increased both awareness of, and protection for, their mobile devices:More smartphone users are protecting their devices with PINs and passwords than in previous years. In 2016, of smartphone users had some sort of PIN/password, up from 2015 and form 2012.An increasing number of smartphone users have installed built-in remote lock-and-erase software. Of survey respondents, have this type of lock-and-erase software installed, up an astounding from 2015 and from 2012.Smartphone users are increasingly aware of the importance of anti-virus software. of smartphone users have an anti-virus software installed, compared with only of smartphone owners in 2015, according to BI Intelligence.The survey results indicate that users are becoming increasingly aware of the danger posed by the increasing reliance on mobile technology form not only malicious entities like hackers, but also government surveillance. Specifically, users are increasingly seeking for ways to guard themselves in light of a number of recent high-profile incidents involving phone security–like Apple's case against the FBI, for example.Because of this, it will become increasingly common for app developers and device manufactures to build in security and end-to-end encryption. This can be seen in devices and apps such as WhatsApp and iPhones. Developers and device manufacturers that don't include this feature in their products could be faced with negative consumer attitudes. According to the passage, why CTIA conducted the survey?
A:Implement security measures for smart devices and protect the security.
B:Boost user education on the pitfalls of mobile security and assess whether the initiatives are working.
C:Boost user education on the apps and test the security of them.
D:None of above.




本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】why;CTIA; survey 【主题句】第二段The survey was a part of the company’s ongoing efforts to boost user education on the pitfalls of mobile security and assess whether the CTIA’s initiatives are working.(该调查是公司持续推进项目的一部分,旨在提高用户在手机隐患方面的教育水平,同时评定CTIA的计划是否起作用。) 【解析】本题问“根据文章,CTIA为什么要进行调查?”。题目在问此次调查的目的是什么?根据原文to boost…表示目的,因此后面就是调查的原因boost user education on the pitfalls of mobile security and assess whether the CTIA’s initiatives are working. (旨在提高用户在手机隐患方面的教育水平,同时评定CTIA的计划是否起作用),即B选项。另外三个选项均与题目和主题句不符。


综合知识     more     smartphone     implement     conducted     business    


根据以下资料,回答10~13题:[材料要点]本题材料是有三条折线的复式折线图。各折线统计图中的最高(低)两个极端的量,尼日利亚在1990年、2000年、2004年都是最高的,日本在1990年、2000 0,16,8,12,10,() 借口就是承认活动本身是错的,但是当事人否认他应当承担责任。辩解则是承认应当对活动承担责任,但是当事人否认这项活动是错的。面对失败的事件时。人们使用借口尽可能使自己减轻应当承担的责任,而人们使用辩解的目 图形推理。请按每道题的答题要求作答。下题中缺少一个图。请从下边选项中选择一个插入上边图形中以使上边的图形逻辑角度上能成双配对。()。 根据以下资料,回答66~70题。下列说法,不能得到图形支持的是()。 根据以下资料.回答66~70题。截至2008年12月31日,中国网民规模达到2.98亿人,普及率达到22.6%,宽带网民规模达到2.7亿人。手机上网网民规模达到11760万人,较2007年增长了133 图形推理。请按每道题的答题要求作答。从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性。() [银行真题]() 差别比例税率是指一种税设两个或两个以上的税率.不同纳税人按不同比例计算应纳税额的税率。累进税率是指随着征税对象的数额由低到高逐级累进.所适用的税率也随之逐级提高的税率.下列各项中所提到的税率,属于差别 -2,1,31,70,112,()[农行真题]

