
In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that c

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In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate. Dissatisfaction could be prevented by improvements in hygiene factors but these improvements would not alone provide motivation. Herzberg showed that to truly motivate an employee a business needs to create conditions that make him or her feel fulfilled in the workplace.C Company aims to motivate its employees both by paying attention to hygiene factors and by enabling satisfiers. For example, it motivates and empowers its employees by appropriate and timely communication, by delegating responsibility and involving staff in decision making. It holds forums every year in which staff can be part of the discussions on pay rises. This shows recognition of the work people do and rewards them. The staff can even influence what food goes onto its restaurant menus. Employees thus become motivated to make choices that will increase their use of the restaurants.According to Herzberg, what may be the factors of motivation
A:The true motivators
B:The true motivators and the hygiene factors
C:Achievement recognition and job security
D:All above




本题考查的是细节理解 【关键词】Herzberg,factors of motivation【主题句】第1自然段In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate.1959年,弗雷德里克?赫茨伯格提出了双因素激励理论。他的研究显示有正面的因素是真实因素或激励因素。与之相对的是保健因素,当缺乏或不充足时会产生消极情绪。【解析】题目意为“根据Herberg所说,动机因素都有什么?根据主题句,有真实因素或激励因素,和保健因素,与选项B相符。


综合知识     motivation     Frederick     developed     Herzberg     research    


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