
资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses." Corporations pay

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资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses." Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse." says Rubin."Up to 90% of all doctor visits in the United States are for stress-related illnesses, "according to Dr. Mehet Oz of the Dr. Oz Show.Chronic stress has a variety of negative side effects such as weight gain, lower immune system, increased risk of disease, and fatigue. Employers should encourage employees to reduce stress levels and improve their overall health.The first step is to educate employees on health topics. Provide reading materials or offer seminars. People can't make positive changes if they don't know what to change.Once employees know about health topics such as stress, exercising, and healthy eating. start a health related competition such as the Biggest Loser. This offers employees motivation and a support system. If the entire office is involved, employees will be more likely to accomplish their goals.To help employees make positive lifestyle changes, have a kitchen equipped with a refrigerator and microwave to prepare healthy amounts of exercise throughout the day are beneficial.According to Dr. Oz, "Exercise releases serotonin and dopamine. the feel-good hormones that become blocked during stress. Walking stairs is a great workout. One study showed that walking stairs 7 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease by two-thirds."If possible, offer a company discount on gym memberships. This will encourage to make positive choices outside of the office and to exercise regularly. Which of the following statement is not true?
A:In companies where good health is promoted, employees are more likely to be loyal and productive.
B:Offering seminars, starting competitions and offering discount on gym memberships will be costly, so companies should not pay much attention to these activities.
C:Exercise plays an important role of building a strong body.
D:Chronic stress in the workplace might be harmful to the company's interest.




本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】statement; not true 【主题句】第8自然段If possible, offer a company discount on gym memberships. This will encourage to make positive choices outside of the office and to exercise regularly.如果可能的话,在健身房会员卡上给公司打折。这将鼓励在办公室之外做出积极的选择,并定期进行锻炼。 【解析】本题的问题是“关于本文,以下哪一项是不正确的?”。选项A意为“在致力于增进健康的公司中,员工更有可能成为忠诚和有生产力的人”;选项B意为“举办研讨会,开始比赛和为提供健身俱乐部会员折扣将是昂贵的,所以公司不应该对这些活动给予高度重视”;选项C意为“锻炼对建立一个强壮的身体起着重要的作用”;选项D意为“工作场所的慢性压力可能会损害公司的利益”。 根据主题句可知,B选项错误,故选B。


综合知识     Corporation     detrimental     businesses     employees     damaging    


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