
资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfect

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资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes,Everything else seems blurry(=unclear).Many people who do a lot of work,such as writing,reading and sewing become near-sighted.People who are far-sighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away,but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. If they want to do much reading,they must get glasses,too.Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism. This,too,can be corrected by glasses. Some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts. Long ago these people often became blind. Now,however,it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle. To prove this to yourself,look at an object out of one eye;Then look at the same object out of your other eye. You will find the object’s relation to the background and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes.Having two eyes instead of one is particularly useful for______.
A:looking over a wide area
B:seeing objects far away
C:judging distances
D:seeing at night




本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】Having two eyes instead of one;useful for 【主题句】第5自然段Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle.拥有两只好眼睛对于判断距离非常重要。每只眼睛从略微不同的角度看东西。 【解析】本题的问题是“两只眼睛相较一只眼睛对于______特别有用。”A选项“俯瞰广阔的区域”;B选项“远处看物体”;C选项“判断距离”;D选项“晚上看东西”。根据主题句,C选项正确。


综合知识     When     see     知识     cannot     综合    


根据以下资料,回答66~70题。根据材料,下列说法中正确的有().Ⅰ.2008年山东省城乡居民分类消费价格与居民消费分类价格变化趋势完全一致Ⅱ.2008年山东省居民各种食品消费中,城市价格变化均小于农 下题中缺少一个图.请从下边选项中选择一个插入上边图形中以使上边的图形逻辑角度上能成双配对。() () 从一块正方形木板上锯下宽5cm的一个木条后。剩下的长方形面积是750cmz.锯下的木条面积是多少平方厘米?() 老王有5000元人民币准备储蓄5年,到银行后发现所公示的利率表如下,请问老王选择何种方法储蓄最有利? 数学运算。在这部分试题中,每道试题呈现一段表述数字关系的文字.要求你迅速、准确地计算出答案。甲、乙两个粮库要向A、B两镇运送大米。已知甲库可调出100t大米,乙库可调出80t大米.A镇需70t大米,B 同类群体影响力是指人们对他人(尤其是类似群体)的行为总会做出某种反应:类似程度越高.影响力就越大。比如对某种良好行为规范大力宣传。往往会成为所谓的“磁心”。吸引人们仿效。下列做法中不会带来同类群体影响 0,16,8,12,10,() 根据以下资料,回答61~65题。注:90+表示90岁及以上注:2006年北京市总人口数为1197.6万人,2007年为1213.3万人,2008年为1229.9万人。下列说法不正确的是()。 5,10,26,65,145,()

