
资料:No matter how carefully you pick the members on your team,you may still end up with a negative em

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资料:No matter how carefully you pick the members on your team,you may still end up with a negative employee.These workers don’t necessarily fall into the category of “toxic,”but they’re just kind of a drag with their cynical, pessimistic worldview.If you ‘re dealing with a negative employee,here are 3 steps to take.FIND OUT WHYIf you decide to proceed in addressing the behavior,think about whether there have been behavior changes recently.Is the negativity a constant or has the behavior escalated?If the latter ,was there an event that led up to the change?Individuals in the workplace live multi-dimensional lives,and other non-workplace stresses may impact work productivity and mood.In an April 2016 report in the Journal of Managerial Psychology,a team of Toronto researchers found that employee who are cynical of their workplace may feel more positive if their managers are supportive.DISCUSS GOALSWhen discussing the situation with your negative employee,it is recommended to frame the discussion in the context of the Individual’s goals.”Tone policing” where you simply point out pessimistic commentary without addressing the root cause, rarely works and may just cause more resentment.Get to the root of the issue and find out if the employee needs additional training,perhaps in management or communication skills,to overcome a deficit.ADDRESS ISSUESA direct,solutions-oriented conversation with the employee can uncover problems or circumstances driving the behavior.If there are workplace issue that can be solved,consider doing so if it make sense.If there are personal issues that have caused an escalation in negative behavior,examine whether accommodations can be made to help the person while they’re going through such challenges.Some employees don’t have great interpersonal skills,and putting them in jobs where they are more focused on job-related tasks than on interactions with others can be an effective solution,too. According to paragraph four ,what is NOT a solution to the negativity?
A:Help solve the workplace disputes for the negative employee.
B:Put the negative employee in a suitable working position.
C:Have the negative employee’s colleagues to avoid arguments with him/her.
D:Support the negative employee to go through challengses outside the office.




本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】paragraph four;NOT a solution;to the negativity 【主题句】第4自然段If there are workplace issue that can be solved, consider doing so if it make sense. If there are personal issues that have caused an escalation in negative behavior, examine whether accommodations can be made to help the person while they’re going through such challenges.Some employees don’t have great interpersonal skills, and putting them in jobs where they are more focused on job-related tasks than on interactions with others can be an effective solution,too. 如果有工作场所的问题可以解决,如果合理的话那就考虑这样做吧。如果有个人问题导致了负面行为的升级,那就看看是否可以在遇到这些挑战的时候帮助他们。有些员工没有很好的人际交往能力,那么把他们放在与工作相关的工作中,而不是与他人交流,这也是一种有效的解决办法。 【解析】本题的问题是“根据第四自然段,以下哪一项不是解决消极的方式?”。选项A意为“帮助解决负面员工工作上的纠纷”;选项B意为“将负面员工放在合适的工作岗位上”;选项C意为“让负面雇员的同事避免与他/她发生争执”;选项D意为“支持消极员工应对工作以外挑战”。根据主题句可知,A、B、D选项均有提及,故选C。


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