
资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize peo

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资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted.We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.Like the human face human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s peronality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a nice face looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a nice person, you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate friendly, warm, and so forth.There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon Allports, an American psychologist, found nearly18,000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing or typing, his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military types——people are described with such terms.People have always tried to type each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain’s or the hero’s role. In fact, the words person and persoality come from the Latin persona, meaning mask. Today, most television and movie actors do not wear masks. But we can easily tell the good guys from the bad guys because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.We learn from the passage that people classify a person into certain type according to_______
A:his way of speaking and behaving
B:his way of acting and thinking
C:his learming and behavior
D:his physical appearance and his personality




本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】classify a person; certain type;according to 【主题句】最后一段People have always tried to type each other.(人们总是试图把彼此分类。);But we can easily tell the good guys from the bad guys because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.(但我们能轻松地区别好人和坏人,因为这两种人在外貌和行为上都有不同之处。) 【解析】第4题问“人们根据什么把彼此归到某种类型?”。文章在结尾段谈到“人们总是试图把彼此分类”,出现了题干中关键词的近义词“classify…a certain type”(对应type)。最后一句说到,利用外貌和行为(个性)来区分好人和坏人,所以D选项“外表和个性”和原文信息一致,故为正确答案。A选项“说话和行为”;B选项“行动和思考”;C选项“学习和行为举止”,三个选项均和原文不一致。


综合知识     fingerprints     possible     recogniz     知识     wonder    


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