
资料:This exhibition brings together outstanding works from the earliest times to the present in a the

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资料:This exhibition brings together outstanding works from the earliest times to the present in a thematic arrangement that is fresh and unique.With works spanning 5,000 years, no such cross-cultural exhibition on this scale has ever been attempted. The exhibition features over 150 of the finest bronzes from Asia, Africa and Europe and includes important discoveries as well as archaeological excavations. Many of the pieces have never been seen in the UK.Arranged thematically, Bronze brings together outstanding works from antiquity to the present. Different sections focus on the Human Figure, Animals, Groups, Objects, Reliefs, Gods, Heads and Busts. The exhibition features stunning Ancient Greek, Roman and Etruscan bronzes, through to rare survivals from the Medieval period. The Renaissance is represented by the works of artists such as Ghiberti, Donatello, Cellini, and later Giambologna, De Vries and others. Bronzes by Rodin, Boccioni, Picasso, Jasper Johns, Moore, Beuys and Bourgeois are representative of the best from the 19th century to today.Bronze has been employed as an artistic medium for over five millennia. It is an alloy consisting mainly of copper, with lesser amounts of tin, zinc and lead. Due to its inherent toughness and resistance, the material’s uses over the centuries have been remarkably varied. A section of the exhibition has been devoted to the complex processes involved in making bronze, enabling visitors to explore how models are made, cast and finished by a variety of different techniques. The exhibition offers a unique exploration of artistic practice, an understanding of the physical properties and distinctive qualities of bronze, and the rare opportunity to see the very best examples in one place.Bronze has been organized by the Royal Academy of Arts. The exhibition is curated by Professor David Ekserdjian, of the University of Leicester’s Department of the History of Art and Film, and Cecilia Treves, Exhibitions Curator at the Royal Academy of Arts, with an advisory committee of experts in the relevant fields.People who go to this exhibition can learn all of the followings except____.
A:the processes of making bronze
B:the best works of bronze
C:the properties and qualities of bronze
D:some new media art




本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】learn all of the followings;except 【主题句】第4自然段A section of the exhibition has been devoted to the complex processes involved in making bronze…“有一个区域的展览专门展出关于青铜器制作的复杂过程……” 第4自然段The exhibition offers a unique exploration of artistic practice, an understanding of the physical properties and distinctive qualities of bronze…“这次展览为艺术实践,也为了解青铜的物理性质、特质提供了一次特别的探究……” 【解析】本题的问题是“参观本次展览的人们可以了解到下列除了______以外的所有内容”。根据题目中关键词找到主题句,A选项the processes of making bronze“青铜器的制作过程”在主题句一中能够找到;B选项the best works of bronze “最好的青铜器作品”在文章第一段就提及了bring together outstanding works“汇集了杰出的作品”;C选项the properties and qualities of bronze“青铜的性质和特质”在主题句二中有体现,说明能够通过展览了解青铜的性质和特质;D选项some new media art“一些新媒体艺术”在展览中没有体现,本次展览是以青铜为主题的展览,不能了解到“新媒体艺术”。


综合知识     outstanding     exhibition     earliest     together     present    


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